Are Electric Vehicles Sustainable?

Electric vehicles (EVs) do not get their power requirements from petrol or diesel, they are powered entirely by electricity. It also means a cleaner and quieter future for the environment.

Electric vehicles have recently attracted attention, especially in environmental pollution and sustainability. It is an inevitable fact that hundreds of thousands of vehicles cause air and noise pollution by emitting carbon during the day. Gasoline and diesel vehicles cause environmental damage due to exhaust emissions whenever they are in traffic. While different solutions are being produced against the global climate crisis in the world, there are steps that we need to take in our daily life routine. At this point, it should be known that electric vehicles provide multiple benefits to both the environment, companies and individual users.

Since electric vehicles do not run on gasoline or diesel fuel and do not emit carbon, they are definitely more environmentally friendly than motor vehicles. Electric vehicles do not contain components that can harm the environment, such as fuel tanks and exhaust pipes. Therefore, electric vehicles emit zero percent exhaust emissions and this feature makes electric vehicles environmentally friendly.

Due to climate change, many countries are increasing their investments in sustainable resources. Studies such as reducing the consumption of plastic products, increasing the use of solar and wind energy devices, and increasing the use of bicycles are important for sustainability. It is very important for sustainability in electric vehicles. It is a sustainable option as they are charged with electricity instead of fuel oil. It is much cleaner for the environment and also a great advantage that they are quiet.


Considering the recent economic fluctuations in the world, we are in a period of rapid increase in fuel prices. Electric vehicle owners are not affected by these price fluctuations. Another advantage of electric vehicles is lower maintenance costs. Fuel-powered vehicles require regular maintenance. Since electric vehicles have much fewer parts, maintenance is of course necessary, but they require less.

The main positive effects of electric vehicles on the environment are the reduction in air pollution and noise pollution, along with the serious decrease in carbon emissions. Apart from personal use, it is very important to use electric vehicles, especially in public transportation. Electric vehicles used in countries producing electricity with solar and wind energy do not cause any harm to the environment in fuel production and are completely environmentally friendly. For countries that continue to use fossil fuels such as coal for electricity generation, electric vehicles are not exactly environmentally friendly.

If we talk about hybrid vehicles, as it is known, hybrid vehicles have both an electric motor and an internal combustion engine in conventional vehicles. These motors can work alternately or simultaneously. Especially in hybrid vehicles, the electric motor is activated during the first start and acceleration, and fossil fuel consumption is reduced. Hybrid system cars are more environmentally friendly than conventional cars, but it would be wrong to say that they are as environmentally friendly as fully electric vehicles.