Information About Some Elements

-What is Lithium?

Lithium is the chemical element with the symbol "Li" and atomic number 3. Lithium is a type of metal element with a soft texture and light silver color. Lithium, which is used as an ion alloy in battery technology, is found in nature together with other elements. Although efforts to find alternative raw materials for electric vehicles are currently underway, lithium-ion batteries dominate today's technology. The energy density of the best lithium-ion battery is 2 percent of gasoline and 1 percent of hydrogen. Therefore, lithium-ion batteries are used in electric vehicles, but it is foreseen that they will not be used in vehicles such as airplanes and trains in the near term.

-What is Lithium Carbonate?

Lithium carbonate, also known as lithium powder, is a type of inorganic compound. Lithium carbonate, which has a white-toned appearance, is used in the production of other lithium products. It has a wide place especially in the pharmaceutical and electronics industries. In battery technology, it is used to obtain lithium cobalt oxide.

-What is Cobalt?

Cobalt's symbol "Co" is atomic number 27. Cobalt is a hard ferromagnetic, silver-white, hard, shiny and brittle transition metal element. Cobalt is not found as a free element, but only in minerals in the earth's crust. Nickel is a byproduct of mining other metals, including copper, silver, lead and iron. It has a wide usage area in many sectors. Cobalt can be made magnetic like iron. Therefore, cobalt is used as an alloy with aluminum and nickel for magnetic effect in the production of electric car batteries.

-What is Manganese (Manganese)?

Manganese or manganese is the element with atomic number 25 and symbol "Mn". It is an element with a grayish appearance and is in the transition metal class. It is used as a conductive additive in battery manufacturing. It is alloyed with other elements (lithium-nickel-cobalt) for the cathode (positive pole) pole of battery cells.

-What is Graphite?

Graphite is a gray-black type of carbon mineral. Graphite, which is soft, oily, flexible and leaves marks on paper, is turned into oil and used to reduce wear in machines. Graphite, which is also used in battery technology because it conducts electricity well, provides the best efficiency from the battery as an auxiliary material. Graphite, a superconducting material, has been obtained by separating its layers with new studies. Graphene batteries, which are seen as the future of battery technology, have a charging capacity of 7.5 times more than lithium batteries. It is predicted that the cost of the battery will decrease to a great extent as it is a cheaper material than lithium.

-What is Nickel?

Nickel is a chemical element with atomic number 28 and symbol "Ni". Nickel is a silver-white metal. Nickel, a hard element, is among the transition metals in the periodic table. Nickel, which is a corrosion resistant material, is a type of metal used in alloys with other elements. This material, which is also used as a coating to protect metals, is also used in the production of materials such as stainless steel, magnets and money. Thanks to this feature in battery technology, it plays a very important role in the production of all battery types.

-What is Aluminum?

Aluminum is a chemical element with atomic number 13 and symbol "Al". It is a silvery and ductile metal. Ductile; Materials with flexibility are called Materials that can undergo a certain amount of deformation before breaking are also called ductile. It is mostly found in nature as bauxite ore and is known for its superior resistance to oxidation. Aluminum, which is highly resistant to oxidation, has a critical place in important sectors such as space and aviation, thanks to its light structure. Aluminum is used in EV batteries along with nickel and cobalt. These rechargeable batteries, also known as Ni-Co alkaline, stand out with their fast charging and high performance features.