The Importance of Solar Powered Cars in Transportation
19 Jun

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The Importance of Solar Powered Cars in Transportation
Globally, the transport sector accounts for one-fifth of carbon emissions. Regarding zero emissions, it is crucial that we make transportation sustainable. In order to achieve this, it is very important to increase the rate of use of solar-powered cars. The more solar-powered cars are used around the world, the less carbon emissions will be used.
How Do Solar Powered Cars Work?
Solar powered cars run on electricity using power from the sun. These cars use solar panels to collect solar energy. Solar panels consist of photovoltaic cells that convert sunlight into electricity. The generated electricity drives the vehicle's electric motor. These photovoltaic cells consist of semiconductors made of silicon. Solar energy frees electrons in these semiconductors, creating a flow of electrons. This flow of electrons then generates electricity to start the car's engine.
So can we use these tools at night? Of course yes, solar energy charges the car's battery during the day. Cars can run on this stored energy. It is worth mentioning that the charging capacity of the battery may vary according to the model of each vehicle. The distance traveled by solar powered cars depends on the efficiency of the solar panels. The efficiency of a solar panel depends on the cell temperature and energy conversion efficiency. Weather conditions are also a big factor. So it would be wrong to say anything definite. During vehicle selection, please contact the authorized person and get clearer answers from them on this issue.
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